Rachael Juliano


Welcome to my Blog!

This is my first blog that I have created and maintained on my own. I am exctied about this experience. Please be patient and kind as I explore this new world of blogging. I would love any advice on how to make my site more user friendly and informative. Feel free to contact me with any constructive criticism! This blog is going to be focused on Instructional Design, it's theories, practices and distance learning.


This is a picture I took somewhere in the southwest. I cannot remember exactly where...It just reminded me of my Blog Title and simply, I like it! The contrast between the bridge and rock are amazing.


EDUC-6145-1 Blog

Keith Womack 03/03/2014
Good morning Rachael.

I wanted to let you know I will continue to follow your blog for the next class EDUC-6145-1. BTW, stay warm up there in Minnesota! It looks wicked cold up there according the weather channel.


The Bridge

Mark Chamberlain 11/07/2012
I was wondering if this is the new bridge that is next to the Hoover Dam by Las Vegas. I know they just opened up a new bridge and this looks very similar to it when i lived in Arizona and traveled up to Vegas everyone once in a while.

Re: The Bridge

Rachael Gassman 11/07/2012
My first comment! Oh how exciting! I believe (after Googling it because I was not retrieving this information!) it is the Glen Canyon Bridge down in Page, Arizona! I went on a 100 day road trip with a friend and we went to so many places, I seem to be losing track.